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Bare Metal

Set up Archiver on a bare metal Linux machine



Make a Discord app

Go to the Discord developer dashboard and make a new app. Click Create Application at the upper right corner of the page Set the name, picture and bio to whatever you want.

Configure the bot

To make your bot private, go to Installation and change Discord Provided Link to None, then click Save. Do what is said above, this is a picture of that Now, go to Bot and turn off Public bot (remember to hit Save again). Turn off Public Bot

Add the bot

Go to OAuth2 and scroll down to OAuth2 URL Generator. Choose the applications.commands scope and User Install (or Guild Install if you want to use it in a server). Scopes you have to set, explained in paragraph above

Copy the URL and paste it in a new tab. Add the bot from there.

Copy the token

Go to Bot and click Reset Token. You will then be shown your token, click Copy. Click reset Token

Download the code

Go to the source code repository and clone the code using Git.

git clone

If you have no idea what that means, click the big green Code button and click Download ZIP.

Set up the environment

Copy .env.example to .env (cp .env.example .env). Inside, add in your token and error reporting URL (optional):

TOKEN = yourtokenhere # Your token from step 3
WEBHOOK_URL = webhookurlhere # A webhook URL where errors will be reported (Optional)

Run the bot

First, install pipenv using your distribution's package manager or pip.

Then, cd to the bot's folder and install the dependencies:

pipenv install

Now, run the bot:

chmod +x && ./ --pipenv


To update, stop the bot and go to the repository folder, run git pull. Start the bot again.

If you used a ZIP file, download the ZIP again and extract the new ZIP over the old one (to the same folder, overwrite contents).